A Zeiss LSM 510 inverted microscope equipped with a 100×
Plan-apochromat objective and an emCCD Evolve camera. Illumination
is provided by 405-, 491, and 561-nm lasers through a Yokogawa
CSU-X1 spinning disk system. A 355-nm laser coupled with an iLas
Pulse illumination control system from Roper Scientific is used to
perform photo-ablation experiments. |
A Nikon Eclipse-Ti inverted microscope with a sCMOS pco.edge
camera and a CSU-W1 spinning disk system. Used for live analysis
of fly neuroblasts. |
A Leica TCS SP8 confocal microscope, with 405-, 488-, 561-,
and 633-nm lasers. Mostly used for analysis of fixed samples, such
as immunostainings of squashed fly larval brains and cultured
human cells. |